Washington State Energy Code Technical Support

Select a general technical support topic from the drop-down menu, complete the online inquiry form below and select Submit. For questions regarding the WSEC-C Commercial Provisions and WSEC Commercial Compliance Documentation Webtool, a member of our technical support team will respond to your inquiry within two business days.

Refer to Additional Technical Support Topics below for information regarding technical support for the WSEC-R Residential Provisions, the Total System Performance Ratio (TSPR) webtool, the Seattle Energy Code and the Clean Buildings Act

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Additional Technical Support Topics

For questions regarding the Seattle Energy Code (SEC), it is not necessary to complete the online form. You will be routed to the Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections (SDCI) webpage for information about how to request assistance from their technical support team. To access their webpage directly, go to www.seattle.gov/sdci/resources/send-us-a-question.

For questions regarding the WA State Clean Buildings Act, you will be routed to the Department of Commerce webpage for information about how to request assistance. To access their webpage directly, go to www.commerce.wa.gov/growing-the-economy/energy/buildings/support-and-resources/.

For questions regarding the WSEC-R Residential Provisions, you will be routed to the WSU Energy Extension - Energy Codes webpage. To contact WSU directly, send an email to energycode@energy.wsu.edu or call their technical support hotline - 360.956.2042.

For questions about how to enter your mechanical systems project information into the DOE Total System Performance Ratio (TSPR) webtool, you will be routed to the TSPR webtool help desk. A member of the technical support team at Pacific Northwest National Labs (PNNL) will respond to your inquiry. NOTE - If your TSPR question is related to energy code requirements and not about how to use the TSPR webtool, then select Ask a WSEC-C Provisions Question in the drop-down menu above.